Glasgow Weekend cancelled :-(
Unfortunately the Glasgow Weekend has had to be cancelled due to Covid concerns and possible restrictions. This will be replaced by a Virtual viral free autumnal weekend.
Unfortunately the Glasgow Weekend has had to be cancelled due to Covid concerns and possible restrictions. This will be replaced by a Virtual viral free autumnal weekend.
After successful play-testing on the May virtual we are now releasing ShowMatch2. See the home page for screenshots of this exciting new verson. Since the play-testing we have added support…
The Glasgow weekend will be held on the weeknd of 8th Octover. Hotel is £60 per night with the price of the weekend being an additional £40. Sign-up in the…
We used the May virtual weekend to beta test ShowMatch#2. A couple of minor niggles ironed out and a host of feature requests from the Danish contingent. Just sorting out…
To combat the boredom of the Covid lock-in the GM arranged a Virtual Weekend over the weekend of 29th-30th May. Great crack and the winner was Gareth Ashcroft (yes again!!!).…
We are now working on version #2 of ShowMatch. First glimpse is on the home page. Sign-up for beta-testing in June
Was won by Gareth Ashcroft (Spud) on a rating of 101. Close second was Neil Humphries on 135. There are rumours of another virtual weekend for 28th May.
The shiny new web-site is ready to go. So much better than the old html version. SSL certificate to be added soon...
BugFix - Fixed issue with being unable to select "sell to team" when selling N/L after transfer deadline BugFix - Fixed issue importing cup fixtures for weekend and covid leagues…
The Kickabout rulebook has now been converted to a Wiki and can be found at At the moment the Wiki just contains a faithful reproduction of the Wiki but…