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finances:start [2020/04/27 22:42] – [Transfers] stripeyjoefinances:start [2020/04/27 22:44] (current) – [Sales to the Non-League] stripeyjoe
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-==== The Auction ==== 
-The Auction List is an artificial method of bringing new players into the league at various intervals 
-throughout the game. It also allows managers to put their own players into the same list, presenting 
-them as `open to the highest bidder’. The Auction works in much the same way as you would expect, 
-with managers bidding for a maximum of eight players, giving one bid for each of the players they would 
-like to purchase. The highest bidder for each player will get that player added to his squad at the end of 
-the session, provided he can afford to spend the money he bid. 
-The default method of buying players in the auction is that once one of the bids tendered by a player 
-succeeds, then all his subsequent bids will be ignored. You can place your own players into the rolling 
-auction by telling us which players you want sold, and including all of the relevant details about him. 
-However, the main drawback by making a player available to the whole league in this manner is that 
-once he is placed into this “list” of players, he cannot be sold through private means. Any manager that tries to do this (sell a listed player to someone else privately) will be severely penalised. Also only one 
-player per side can be put into the “list” and he will remain there for three sessions. After that, if he is 
-unsold, he will return to your side. 
-In addition you can state a minimum price (reserve) you would be willing to accept for each player. 
-Please note that there is a minimum level depending upon the session you are in, below which players 
-CANNOT be entered in the rolling auction. This rule is rescinded for qualified SBY’s, APP’s and SPECIAL 
-PLAYERS. Though remember that unqualified SBY’s and APP’s cannot be traded in any way so therefore 
-cannot be placed in the auction list. 
-==== Bidding for Players ==== 
-Instructions can be given contrary to that which stops your first successful bid stopping the rest going 
-through, in that a manager can say `Buy Player A, and then Player B, regardless of the result of the first 
-bid’. Or a manager may wish for all of his bids to be tendered, regardless of any of the results. Be wary 
-of using this option though, as you must have the money to be able to afford ALL the purchases, 
-otherwise every one of your bids could be cancelled. 
-The main type of order we cannot accommodate is one that instructs us to spend a certain amount of 
-money, and then ignore bids after that. Basically think things through and you should be able to work it 
-out. If not ask us and we’ll offer what help we can. 
-Things to note... 
-When the GM places players in the Auction, those players are not named. It is up to you to name any of 
-these players when you bid for them. If you fail to provide a suitable name then your bid is void and will 
-not be entered into the computer. We also reserve the right to remove bids where the name entered by 
-the player is plain silly, or abusive. Not many top-class players are named `Larry the Lamb’ or `Dirty Den’, 
-so please try and keep it sensible, and help maintain the atmosphere of the game. When coming up with 
-International names the general rule of thumb is that if the name sounds as though it will fit the 
-nationality, then it will be accepted. Bids which take you over your agreed overdraft limit will be 
-ignored. You cannot bid for any of your own players which have appeared in the Auction List. You 
-cannot bid BELOW a listed Reserve price for a player, and you cannot name a player that already has 
-one. [player entered by manager in auction]. 
-As the season goes by the players for offer on the auction will be older and less effective, though there 
-may be some surprises. When bidding for players your bids are considered to be conditional upon the 
-result of the previous bid unless you state otherwise. Each bid must be made in units of one thousand 
-pounds and can be denoted on the turn sheet as follows; 
-Bid 100K means ‘bid £100,000’ Bid 1251K means ‘bid £1,251,000’ etc. 
-Conditional bids are a tricky set of “rules” to work out, as they tend to be determined by a semicommon 
-sense and semi-logical approach to the way buying is done. You can ask to bid for a second 
-player dependant on the conditions of a previous bid, you can ask to buy two players together or you 
-can join up a number of lesser bids with the intent of buying them all. However, you cannot give us 
-instructions which simply say “buy any three of these players” or “spend just £1.5 million” or anything 
-too complex. 
-An example of legal and illegal bidding patterns are shown below... 
-1) Jones 1250k 
-2) Williams 750k 
-3) Phillips 1355k 
-4) 2 PP’s 355k 
-  * “Bid for players 1 & 2 regardless of result of player 1 bid” - this would attempt to buy both of the first 
-two players, but would stop checking for further buys if either/both of the first two players are bought. 
-  * “Buy any player and the 2 PP’s” - Unfortunately, this may sound okay, but is an illegal bid. The PP’s can be made dependent upon any one of the players, but not on them all.  
-  * “Buy all the items” - Provided the manager has enough money to afford all of these players (£3.8 million) then there is no problem in doing this.  
-  * “Buy player 1, and then any one other” - Again, this sounds fine but isn’t. The bid for player 1 will be tendered along with one of the other bids, but cannot be entered separately to be tallied with each. 
-  * “Buy player 1, but if this fails, buy all the others” - As with the “buy all” option, there is no problem with this sort of bid, provided the manager has the money to spend.  
-If you are unsure of what constitutes a legal or illegal bid then ASK THE GM. 
-==== Sales to the Non-League ==== 
-You can also get rid of unwanted players from your squad at any time, which is regarded as selling them 
-to the Non-League, at the following rates... 
-For example, an AGE 23 LEVEL 6 player will raise 150K for club funds if sold to the non-league. [GK or SW 
-will raise double the rates listed below], and if a player is sold to the non-league after the transfer 
-deadline (after the last auction of the season, normally session 13) you will raise only half the rate. 
-Also note that there are no deals between managers allowed after the last auction of the season, 
-simulating the transfer deadline coming into operation, on session 13. Remember that when selling a 
-player to the non-league your income is less the amount it costs to pay up his remaining contract. 
-{{ :finances:non-league.png |}} 
-Many managers who are looking to sell a player to the non-league choose to ignore any contract 
-negotiations for him on that week - if he’s up for negotiation and you ignore it, then his wages will be 
-negotiated for you, meaning that the amount you have to pay him as he leaves may rise. If he’s up for 
-negotiation and you want to sell him to then non-league then enter a minimum offer on the turn sheet. 
-The computer will always calculate the income gained from sales to the Non-league, so please, don't try 
-to convince us that you received an incorrect amount - machines very seldom count wrongly! 
finances/start.1588023728.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/27 22:42 by stripeyjoe

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