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overview:start [2020/04/27 22:54] – [Mailing Costs] stripeyjoeoverview:start [2020/04/27 22:58] (current) – [Tailpiece] stripeyjoe
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-==== Turnaround ==== 
-We aim to keep the game to a four-week turnaround for postal leagues, fortnightly for email leagues so 
-that you gain the maximum enjoyment from our product. Each session your squad sheet will inform you 
-of the next RETURN-BY-DATE, which will be the day we expect your orders to arrive back to us. 
-Any orders arriving twenty-four hours after this date will be deemed late and you will receive one less 
-automatic Success Point [SP] on the following session, so it is up to you to return your orders swiftly to 
-keep the SP’s flowing. Your turns will generally (all things allowing) be processed the day after the 
-RETURN-BY-DATE and if we do not have your orders then we will use the NO MANAGER RULES (below). 
-Hopefully your next turn will be back in the post a day or two after that so that you will have plenty of 
-time in which to return your next set of orders. If you have trouble in meeting deadlines, it might be 
-wise to submit a set of stand-by orders for us to follow, rather than use the No Manager rules. This will 
-save you precious SP’s, and will allow you to make a rough guess on what team will actually make the 
-park for any missed games. At the start of a new season, you will be sent a standard orders sheet 
-anyway, and if you choose not to use it, then that is up to you. 
-==== Missing Manager Rules ==== 
-If a manager misses a session and doesn’t submit orders then the computer will select his team for him 
-(unless he has submitted stand-by orders), but this tends to be done with little tactical thought, so your 
-team will not do as well as if you had selected it (at least, usually!!). No success points will be allocated 
-to training during that session; all available SP’s are converted into cash at a rate of 100K per SP instead. 
-Obviously, missing turns is not going to help your team building very much! 
-If a second session is missed then we will assume that you have dropped out of the game and a new 
-manager will be sought to take over the management of your team. Game over! 
-==== Disputes ==== 
-If you feel we have made a major mistake somewhere, or there appears to be an error made concerning 
-your orders, then please include some documentary evidence (turn sheets, printouts, etc.) when 
-contacting us about it. Without these we have no way of checking your claims and any errors cannot be 
-rectified. We reserve the right to overrule any claims if we consider it necessary and our decision is final. 
-Please don’t ask for a whole session to be re-run if the error is one that cannot easily be put right. We 
-will do all we can to rectify mistakes on our part, but we obviously cannot do anything that will 
-adversely affect the other players in the game. Such errors are very rare indeed, and though they do 
-occur, we hope that you will never be the victim of one. Finally, please remember that we are human, 
-and with the sheer volume of data entry involved in KICKABOUT, we cannot claim to be 100% accurate 
-for 100% of the time. 
-To err is to be human after all! [Rumour has it the GM is an alien though]!!!!! 
-==== Tailpiece ==== 
-This rulebook is only an outline of what the game of KICKABOUT contains. Much of the game revolves 
-around the Newsletter, and it is from here that news, rules and ideas flow. Things such as the Kickabout 
-Weekends breathe additional life into this already fascinating game, while your fellow managers are also 
-a source of news and views, and you will receive the names and contact addresses of these with your 
-start-up materials and fixture lists. Contacting them to arrange deals, friendly fixtures or just for an 
-exchange of ideas can prove as much fun as the game itself. 
-Whatever you get out of KICKABOUT, we feel sure that you will come to see why the game is regarded 
-as the most complex, rewarding and fulfilling of its kind on the PBM market today. Good Luck with your 
-side, and may you reap the rewards your planning and luck deserve. 
-(This rulebook updated with the help of Graeme `Councilor’ Miller) 
overview/start.1588024496.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/27 22:54 by stripeyjoe

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