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Sales to the Non-League

You can also get rid of unwanted players from your squad at any time, which is regarded as selling them to the Non-League, at the following rates…

For example, an AGE 23 LEVEL 6 player will raise 150K for club funds if sold to the non-league. [GK or SW will raise double the rates listed below], and if a player is sold to the non-league after the transfer deadline (after the last auction of the season, normally session 13) you will raise only half the rate.

Also note that there are no deals between managers allowed after the last auction of the season, simulating the transfer deadline coming into operation, on session 13. Remember that when selling a player to the non-league your income is less the amount it costs to pay up his remaining contract.

Many managers who are looking to sell a player to the non-league choose to ignore any contract negotiations for him on that week - if he’s up for negotiation and you ignore it, then his wages will be negotiated for you, meaning that the amount you have to pay him as he leaves may rise. If he’s up for negotiation and you want to sell him to then non-league then enter a minimum offer on the turn sheet. The computer will always calculate the income gained from sales to the Non-league, so please, don't try to convince us that you received an incorrect amount - machines very seldom count wrongly!

finances/start.1588023845.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/27 22:44 by stripeyjoe

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