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Missing Manager Rules

If a manager misses a session and doesn’t submit orders then the computer will select his team for him (unless he has submitted stand-by orders), but this tends to be done with little tactical thought, so your team will not do as well as if you had selected it (at least, usually!!). No success points will be allocated to training during that session; all available SP’s are converted into cash at a rate of 100K per SP instead.

Obviously, missing turns is not going to help your team building very much!

If a second session is missed then we will assume that you have dropped out of the game and a new manager will be sought to take over the management of your team. Game over!


If you feel we have made a major mistake somewhere, or there appears to be an error made concerning your orders, then please include some documentary evidence (turn sheets, printouts, etc.) when contacting us about it. Without these we have no way of checking your claims and any errors cannot be rectified. We reserve the right to overrule any claims if we consider it necessary and our decision is final. Please don’t ask for a whole session to be re-run if the error is one that cannot easily be put right. We will do all we can to rectify mistakes on our part, but we obviously cannot do anything that will adversely affect the other players in the game. Such errors are very rare indeed, and though they do occur, we hope that you will never be the victim of one. Finally, please remember that we are human, and with the sheer volume of data entry involved in KICKABOUT, we cannot claim to be 100% accurate for 100% of the time.

To err is to be human after all! [Rumour has it the GM is an alien though]!!!!!


This rulebook is only an outline of what the game of KICKABOUT contains. Much of the game revolves around the Newsletter, and it is from here that news, rules and ideas flow. Things such as the Kickabout Weekends breathe additional life into this already fascinating game, while your fellow managers are also a source of news and views, and you will receive the names and contact addresses of these with your start-up materials and fixture lists. Contacting them to arrange deals, friendly fixtures or just for an exchange of ideas can prove as much fun as the game itself.

Whatever you get out of KICKABOUT, we feel sure that you will come to see why the game is regarded as the most complex, rewarding and fulfilling of its kind on the PBM market today. Good Luck with your side, and may you reap the rewards your planning and luck deserve.

(This rulebook updated with the help of Graeme `Councilor’ Miller)

overview/start.1588024539.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/27 22:55 by stripeyjoe

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