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teampick:start [2020/04/27 23:05] stripeyjoeteampick:start [2020/04/28 19:04] (current) stripeyjoe
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 it, it is simply brilliant and makes filling in your turn sheets a joy, and even better it catches your it, it is simply brilliant and makes filling in your turn sheets a joy, and even better it catches your
 mistakes for you, it is also free to download at the following web-site:- mistakes for you, it is also free to download at the following web-site:-
 +See also...
 +  * [[the_newsletter:start|The Newsletter]]
 +  * [[the_squad_sheet:start|The Squad Sheet]]
 +  * [[filling_in_the_turnsheet:start|Filling in the TurnSheet]]
 +  * [[showmatch:start|ShowMatch]]
 +  * [[markinfo:start|MarkInfo]]
 ---- ----
teampick/start.1588025131.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/27 23:05 by stripeyjoe

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